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Employ Empathy

I'm starting this with a confession, empathy has not always been my strong suit. I'm a great listener but actually expressing empathy off the cuff usually comes out awkward and results in some well worded text or email later to make up for it. This post is as much for me as it is for you, I would really love to see in the comments how you employ it effectively!

Empathy is a soft skill that is not only necessary in the workplace but in high demand - 96% of employees value a workplace that uses an empathetic approach to communication.

First, and foremost, listening. Your listening skills need to be in good shape before you can effectively practice empathy. Things you want to look for are the other parties' goals, motivations, rationale for actions, and what steps lead to the current situation. Take notes if you need to but make good listening skills a priority regardless of where you are in the org chart.

Ask questions. This is key in all areas of communication. It shows you're truly engaged in the discussion and interested in the other party. Use your questions to obtain as much perspective and clarity as possible.

Provide honest feedback. Do not cloak it in passive filters, such as "I love you but" or "I think you're a really great person but", that provides a context that you may actually be discussing their character as opposed to the issue. When you apply those good listening skills you will be able to truly understand some of their motivations and goals, acknowledge those instead.

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