Have you ever had a strong reaction during a workplace conversation that found it's way out of your mouth? I have. Is there someone at work that just grates you? I have had my fair share. Are you trying not to lose it on the co-worker that is patronizing or just a straight up jerk to work with? Yep, I've been there too and still rolling my eyes.
How are we supposed to navigate these situations with authenticity and grace while still getting what we need?
This week we are going to be focusing on various techniques to remove emotion from frustrating, tense, and otherwise difficult interactions. Not only will this help in moving toward your individual and team goals but will make you look good in the process while drastically reducing the drama.
Take a deep cleansing breath and let's get into it... (you got this!)
The FIRR method is straightforward and it keeps you focused on the 4 steps which takes some pressure off any building emotion. The four steps are as follows:
Fact: Just the facts, ma'am, keep the focus on what is not in question about the issue
Impact: Based on the facts define the impact(s)
Reason: Make a point of sharing belief that the other party has good intentions
Request: Use the assertive communication skills you've been practicing and state what exactly needs to happen next in a clear, concise manner
Example: Caitlin has (once again) blown a client deadline...
F: The project deadline for X was not met
I: As a result the client is angry and we may have to write off some of our fees
R: I know you're conscientious and want things to be perfect
R: We need this done by Friday, if you cannot meet that I need to know by 5pm Wednesday
It might feel awkward at first but will definitely flow after trying it a few times, this is one you can definitely practice before implementing.
Have you tried this technique? Let me know in the comments how it worked out!