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It's International Listening Awareness Month!

Did you know that was even a thing? Neither did I! But, now that I do, I am challenging all of you to schedule an active listening session with either someone in your workplace or a client. Why would you want to do that? We all love to be heard but are not always great at really hearing others, practice makes perfect and good listening skills are a key element for master communicators. Listening is one of the biggest relationship building tools and one good leaders utilize often. 

What exactly does a listening session look like and how should you choose someone? 

Ideally, you would pick someone that you want to learn more about and improve upon or build a relationship with. Perhaps, you’d like to hear from someone in upper management about their career journey or what they see for the company in the next 5 years. Maybe you are aware of challenges your company is facing and would like to hear ideas from an individual or how they are addressing them. Or, you have a client that is dealing with issues outside of your scope but schedule a session to listen, chances are you can connect them with someone who may be able to offer solutions. If you’re feeling it you could pick someone you find challenging and listen to gain understanding. 

Pick a location that has little distraction and prepare your mind to simply listen. Don’t be afraid to ask questions that dig a little deeper on the topic. Don’t offer solutions unless asked. Of course don’t interrupt, instead take notes that you can refer back to for questions, this allows for flow during the interaction. Work to understand their perspective, this is a great time to practice empathy.

I would love to hear from you in the comments about your experience!

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