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Take A Minute

This one may seem like a no brainer but take a minute. Things at work can feel extra pressing and urgent but 95% of the time your immediate response isn't necessary. Let's examine how to work this...

It's the Monday morning, you got in late because you spilled your coffee enroute, and barely made it to the beginning of the week huddle. A co-worker pipes up with an idea that would be the height of inefficiency on both time and resources. Your first instinct is bark a loud 'NO'.

Don't do it! Take a minute.

Nothing coming out of this meeting is set in stone. You can wait a few minutes and ask to revisit that point or even hold off until later in the day with an email outlining your concerns.

You are having a one on one with your supervisor and things are feeling a little heated over a recent incident. Taking a minute here can be done a few different ways:

  • Ask clarifying questions, sit back and listen

  • Say you would like to take time to reflect on this and ask if you can follow up later in the day

  • (This is one may seem cheesy but you'll look gracious) Say "I could use a little water/coffee refill right now, what can I get you?"

You've been cornered by an angry co-worker who doesn't seem to be calming down. Instead of rising to the bait say "I have some things I need to get back to but let's plan a time to meet and discuss further. Send me an invitation with the agenda. "

Just like that you took a minute and gave them one too, high five yourself and get on with the day.

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